Baco Noir Reserve Wine, Baco Noir wine information, Baco Noir grape details

Baco Noir Reserve Wine speaks to Baco Noir wine information and Baco Noir grape details.

The Baco noir wine which is also referred to as Baco 1 is made from hybrid red wine grape which is produced from a cross of a French grape, Folle Blanche and an unknown North American grape.

It is also called , Baco 1, Baco N°1, Baco # 1, Bacoi, Bago, Bakon and Bako Speiskii

The wine for the most part is produced in the United States and Canada because by European Union regulation the making of French wines with hybrid grapes is forbidden.

The wine is now produced in New York state, Michigan, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Ontario and British Columbia.

Baco noir produces a medium body, deeply tinted, acidic red wine which is fruit forward and often carries aromas of black fruits and caramel. Ageing potential is 5-8 years on average for good examples of this wine.

The grape is fairly resistant to the common ills of grapes in the eastern U.S., including black rot, powdery mildew, and downy mildew, and tends to be vigorous. It grows well on 6-8 foot cordons, with vertical shoot positioning. The vines can carry up to 3 clusters per shoot without overcropping.

The vine tolerates highly acid soil (pH 4.9) and is not susceptible to phylloxera. The vine is not particularly attractive to Japanese beetles. In droughty years, the vine is balanced. In wet years, there is no couloir; however, the vines produce more vine than needed and may need to be hedged many times. Do not plant this vine in good soil.


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